About Us
Purpose: To promote Art appreciation and participation. We welcome everyone from the newest beginner to the most accomplished artist.
Membership: Open to anyone who is a Sun City Center CA member or Kings Point Gold Card member. Dues are $15 per year starting in January.
Meetings and Events:
Board meetings are held 4 times a year or as needed, on the first Monday of the month at 1 pm in the Art Room. Membership meetings are held twice a year or whenever needed.
Demos are held on the 3rd Monday of the month at 1PM in the Rollins Theater from October through April, in the Rollins Theater.
Classes and workshops. For a small fee professional artists conduct art classes and workshops for members in various media.
An Art Show is held annually in January or February.
The Club operates an Art Gallery adjacent to the club room to exhibit members work. The Art Gallery features a new exhibit each month. September through June. Opening Receptions are held from 1:00-3:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
Members Art Work is displayed in local businesses in our area through our Artist of the Month program.
The Club also organizes social events throughout the year.
Contact: For further information, view the Club’s official website at www.artclubinscc.org. or contact any Board Member.
Club Officers and Committee Chairs
2024 Executive Board
Front: Harve Berman (past President), Gloria Lavin (President)
Back: Lee Anne Eckert (Recording Secretary), Sandy Shuman (Assistant Treasurer), Anne Morton (Corresponding Secretary), Ali Shannon (Vice President), Lorraine Barbosa (Treasurer)
Elections are held at the general meeting in November. Vacancies that occur during the year are filled by the board.
2024 Executive Board and Committee Chairs
Gloria Lavin 330.720.0152
Vice President
Ali Shannon 941.685.4271
Recording Secretary
Lee Anne Eckert 973.714.5019
Corresponding Secretary
Anne Morton 941.302.0803
Lorraine Barbosa 201.951.0290
Assistant Treasurer
Sandy Schuman 727.404.0745
Immediate Past President
Harve Berman 813.590.9786
Annual Art Show
Dennis Shannon 941.928.3031
Artist of the Month
Anne Morton 941.302.0803
Lori Murray 216.548.4901
Shelly Karg 330.802.0806
Computer (Printer Supplies)
Lee Anne Eckert 973.714.5019
Curricula, Demos, Workshops
Anne Walker 813.957.0726
Ann Savage 813.938.4094
Flo Slater 813.597.9490
Marion Giblin 813.347.3066
Lori Murray 216.548.4901
Annie Garrad 972.839.6501
Fine Arts Gallery
Dennis Shannon 941.928.3031
Anne Morton 941.302.0803
Lori Murray 216.548.4901
Kristine Littrell 585.455.7410
Flower Arrangements
Gloria Hosek 573.374.2115
Fun Fest
Dennis Shannon 941.928.3031
Holiday Walk
Shared Leadership
Sharon Bakay 337.281.3430
Mat Cutting
Tom Hopfensperger 920.734.1979
Faye McKeown 813.633.9922
New Member Welcome
Jill Scott 813.938.3993
News and Notes & Newsletter
Linda Duhn 407.340.1713
Note Cards
Kristine Littrell 585.455.7410
Dennis Shannon 941.928.3031
SCC Photography Club
Lee Anne Eckert 973.714.5019